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A7FL Columbus Debuts First Two Teams’ Logos and Uniforms As They Get Set to Begin Their Inaugural Season On March 26, 2023

Columbus Explorers & Picktown GuardDogs Get Ready To Mix It Up In Ohio Rivalries

A7FL Columbus Ohio Football Teams

Football in Columbus, Ohio is known for the college game, but the home of Woody Hayes is now joining the future of football as it enters the A7FL 2023 season.

With the new A7FL Columbus Division entering the Ohio market and joining last year’s debut of the A7FL Cincinnati Division, this state is set for some rivalry action the likes of the Battle of Ohio.

The first team to make landfall in our new football frontier are the Columbus Explorers.

The origin of the name is pretty self-explanatory, but the message behind it is critical. The A7FL is constantly looking to expand its reach, and the Explorers is another step to having teams all across the country playing the electric A7FL style of football. Explorers fearlessly advance in the face of the unknown, and the Columbus Explorers will look to do just that in 2023.

The Columbus Division is owned by Nate Nale, founder of HomeTown Ticketing, the leading digital ticketing provider in both K–12 and collegiate spaces, serving schools, districts, conferences, and associations.

“I’m beyond excited to join the A7FL family – I’ve watched the league grow from afar over the years and am a huge fan,” said Nale. “There is no other sport out there that rivals our exciting style of football, and I can’t wait to bring that action to all the football fans in Columbus next year.”

Joining the Explorers is not a team searching for new lands but protecting their own, the Picktown Guard Dogs.

Picktown is what the locals call the area based out of Pickerington, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. The team name is inspired by what a guard dog is: a protector and an attacker. Guard dogs protect their home turf with vigor and attack threats head-on, and that’s the style of play the Picktown Guard Dogs will look to implement in 2023.

Joe Perez, the owner of Columbus’ Ohio neighbor and rival A7FL Cincinnati, is a military man with a degree in Sports Management and a minor in Exercise Science. Perez is excited about the A7FL coming to Columbus and the rivalries that can be built in this football-crazy state.

“Columbus has always been a football hot-spot, and I am super excited about the A7FL’s future in this state. With the addition of the Explorers, Guard Dogs, and two more teams coming, we’ll see high-quality football that I can’t wait to see on the field and especially against each other,” said Perez. “Rivalries make sports great, and I will be anxious to see what ones emerge from Ohio during the 2023 season.”

Be sure to check out our pages on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit for more big news heading into the 2023 season throw-off in March.

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